Consider your cuticles to be the bathtub's protective caulking. You hurt them if you push them around too hard or cut them back too much.
Regular nail trimming helps you maintain healthy nails. Your nail's rate of growth will determine how often you should trim.
This aggressive nail care leaves bacterial or fungal infections wide open. For healthy nails, gently scrub with an old-fashioned nail brush.
Frequently immersing hands in hot, soapy water to wash dishes can weaken even strong nails.
Keep manicures simple to maintain healthy nails. get your nail polish removed, and have them shape your nails.
It's fine to file down rough edges and bandage a broken nail, you should consult your doctor if there are any indications of an infection.
Did you know that a majority of the nail products you might currently be using can do more harm than good. Choose your products wisely.
Wearing nail polish isn't going to harm your healthy nails, although you probably should give your nails a break on the polish periodically.