
Lee's Appliance Service is a family-owned and operated, home appliance repair shop serving residents in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and the surrounding areas. We service all major appliances from all the top brands. If your washing machine goes out or your refrigerator goes warm, give us a call and we can typically have you back up and running before the day is done. We can also quickly swap out your old dishwasher with your new one. Additionally, we will beat any competitor prices on service.

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Frequently Asked Questions about - Lee’s Appliance Service

This place is located at the following address: Coeur d??lene, ID, 7560 N Government Way ID 83815, Dalton Gardens.

You can try dialing the following number: +1 (208) 772-3900.

The average rating of Lee’s Appliance Service is 4.1 out of 9 on NearMeListing.com.

Near Me Listing is doing its best to post correct details of the listed providers. If you've found any incorrect information, feel free to let us know by using the feedback form.

4.1 ( 9 Reviews )

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Frequently Asked Questions about - Lee’s Appliance Service

This place is located at the following address: Coeur d??lene, ID, 7560 N Government Way ID 83815, Dalton Gardens.

You can try dialing the following number: +1 (208) 772-3900.

The average rating of Lee’s Appliance Service is 4.1 out of 9 on NearMeListing.com.

Near Me Listing is doing its best to post correct details of the listed providers. If you've found any incorrect information, feel free to let us know by using the feedback form.

4.1 ( 9 Reviews )

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