
Interim HealthCare offers in-home medical personal care and support services that help seniors live enriched, independent, and safe lives in the comfort of their own homes. Using a guiding philosophy that seniors have complex and diverse needs, we offer a unique HomeLife Enrichment® Program that focuses on mind, body, spirit and family to maximize each person's potential to lead the most meaningful life possible. We understand how difficult it can be to bring someone into the home so we're careful in making the right match between each Care Professional and client, and we have made it our policy to extensively interview, background check, drug screen, insure and train our Care Professionals. Our unique HomeLife Enrichment program we also offer traditional services such as bathing & grooming, meal preparation, shopping, running errands, medication reminders, and transportation. We are Medicare Certified and offer Skilled Nursing, Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies.

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Frequently Asked Questions about - Interim HealthCare of Southern Iowa

This place is located at the following address: Ottumwa, IA, 10 South Main St IA 52531, Albia.

You can try dialing the following number: +1 (641) 932-2513.

The average rating of Interim HealthCare of Southern Iowa is 0 out of 0 on NearMeListing.com.

Near Me Listing is doing its best to post correct details of the listed providers. If you've found any incorrect information, feel free to let us know by using the feedback form.

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Frequently Asked Questions about - Interim HealthCare of Southern Iowa

This place is located at the following address: Ottumwa, IA, 10 South Main St IA 52531, Albia.

You can try dialing the following number: +1 (641) 932-2513.

The average rating of Interim HealthCare of Southern Iowa is 0 out of 0 on NearMeListing.com.

Near Me Listing is doing its best to post correct details of the listed providers. If you've found any incorrect information, feel free to let us know by using the feedback form.

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