
A Pane in the glass has been cleaning windows in the Spokane area since 2003. Our professional window washing technicians are all trained and pass a thorough background screening process before they are hired. So no worries about the window cleaner you have coming into your home. We also carry a Huge Liability Insurance Policy to give each one of our customers the peace of mind they were looking for when they hired us. We don't do contracts, we just rely on great quality of work and awesome customer service. So if you're looking for a Spokane Window Washing Company no need to look any further. Don't just take our word check our reviews and we're positive we'll be talking to you soon. Give the office a call and see what we're about.


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Frequently Asked Questions about - A Pane in the Glass

This place is located at the following address: Coeur d??lene, ID, WA 99037, Spokane Valley.

You can try dialing the following number: +1 (509) 315-4313.

The average rating of A Pane in the Glass is 3.4 out of 5 on NearMeListing.com.

Near Me Listing is doing its best to post correct details of the listed providers. If you've found any incorrect information, feel free to let us know by using the feedback form.

3.4 ( 5 Reviews )

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Accepts Credit Cards

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Frequently Asked Questions about - A Pane in the Glass

This place is located at the following address: Coeur d??lene, ID, WA 99037, Spokane Valley.

You can try dialing the following number: +1 (509) 315-4313.

The average rating of A Pane in the Glass is 3.4 out of 5 on NearMeListing.com.

Near Me Listing is doing its best to post correct details of the listed providers. If you've found any incorrect information, feel free to let us know by using the feedback form.

3.4 ( 5 Reviews )

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